A huge shoutout to our incredible volunteers – Jim, Jerry, Petra, Noreen, and Wes – who dedicated their time and energy to our recent work bee at Fern Forest Trail! Despite the general challenges of trail maintenance this amazing group spent 3 hours cutting down blowdowns and brushing the trail, leaving it in excellent shape for all hikers to enjoy.
While we may not have captured photos of our hardworking team in action, we’re thrilled to share some before pictures of the trail. Now, we’re calling on all hiking enthusiasts to lace up their boots and experience the improvements firsthand! Don’t forget to snap photos along the way and share them with us. Let’s spread the word about the incredible work our volunteers are doing to maintain and enhance our trails.
Plus, during our work bee, we had the pleasure of hearing the beautiful songs of a Nashville Warbler and the distinctive call of a Golden-Crowned Kinglet – nature’s way of saying thank you for our efforts! Ahhh……..what a great day!

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated and contributed to this successful work bee. Your dedication to our trails is appreciated.