The community’s support for Riverside Park has been amazing. Many people and businesses have rallied behind this project and all of the comments we’ve received have been positive, many of them enthusiastically so.

Thanks to all our donors’ generosity, in the past month and a half we’ve raised $150,000 of the $237,000 needed to purchase the land. We really appreciate and want to thank the large number of people and businesses that have made contributions towards Riverside Park.

Our fundraising efforts are still underway and we need your help to raise the remaining $87,000 of the park’s purchase price. If you haven’t already done so, we hope you will consider making a donation.

To make a tax-deductible donation online, please visit and indicate your donation is for Riverside Park. Please note that for large donations, a mailed in cheque or money order is preferred as we have to pay a service fee for online donations. The following form can be used when mailing in a donation: Riverside park donation form. For donations over $500, plaques will be created on a donor wall at the park.

We hope you are as proud as we are at the way the community has pulled together to bring this new park one big step closer to becoming a reality!