
Located along the waters of likely the calmest section of the Kootenay River, the old ferry landing site has for a long time been a launching point for all sorts of water adventures. The only problem was the garbage. And the mud. And the garbage. The Trails Society is working to get the site set up as a family friendly picnic spot and gateway to the Kootenay River.

Project Updates

Picnic tables have arrived!

October 14th, 2015|0 Comments

The Old Ferry Landing is now the new ferry landing picnic site!  With great support from the staff at Home Hardware, six palettes of concrete picnic tables were delivered on Tuesday.  Our volunteers eagerly uncrated [...]

Ferry Landing Update 3

September 29th, 2015|0 Comments

The old ferry landing continues to evolve into a family-friendly picnic site. Landscaping and gravelling of the picnic table sites were completed.  Two volunteers were on site to level around the picnic table slabs using [...]

Ferry Landing Update 2

August 12th, 2015|1 Comment

The old ferry landing recreation site now has six concrete slabs. These are important foundations for the future picnic tables. Many thanks to the volunteers that helped make this happen: Allen, Adam, Todd, Mark, Sandee [...]

Ferry Landing Update 1

July 26th, 2015|0 Comments

Since February, much work has been done on the Old Ferry Landing site as the Trail Society, along with the support of local businesses, develop it into a recreation site for residents and visitors of [...]

Ferry Landing Report

February 23rd, 2015|0 Comments

Over the past weekend (February 21 & 22, 2015) clean-up project at the Old Ferry Landing site, an ambitious and eager crew of volunteers showed up ready to get their hand’s dirty, and that is [...]