The Ministry of Forests has delivered a real toilet (with roof and sides etc.) destined for the Midgeley Cabin to 16 km on the Topaz Forest Service Road.   On July 9 at 10:00 a.m., a helicopter will lift it to the Midgeley cabin site.

We are in need of volunteers to meet on July 9th at 7:30 a.m. at the Ramada parking lot (junction of highways 3 & 3A) so we can carpool up to the site.  Members will have time to hike into the cabin to detach the load from the helicopter slings. We will then set up the culvert and fill in earth around the culvert (hole already dug last fall), and assemble the toilet.   All screws and fasteners have been provided.

Please email me or call to advise if you can come.  4×4 access.  I can accommodate 3 passengers.
My email: or phone (250) 428-1759

Thanks to all.
Midgeley Cabin Committee, TCVS