Trails for Creston Valley Society (TCVS) is offering a free chainsaw safety training course to our membership.  This safety certification is required for anyone wishing to operate a power saw at our local trail maintenance work bees.  There are spaces for three Trails Society members to become certified Safe Chainsaw Operators by taking this 8-hour hands-on course with a local instructor, to be held in Creston on April 11.

This entry-level training course will cover the basics of chainsaw operation, safety and maintenance.  There is no fee for this course, due to the generous sponsorship of the Creston Community Forest (CCF) — but after completion of the course, certified members will be required to fulfill 8 hours of volunteer chainsaw operation during upcoming TCVS or CCF trail maintenance work bees.

This course is open to all TCVS members.  Participants will need to bring their own chainsaw, steel-toed boots, gloves, ear protection and safety glasses.  For course registration or more information, please email Adam at