2017 has been busy for the Summit Cedars Trail. The main trail on the south side of Summit Creek has been completed professionally and connected to the lower parking lot. An outhouse has been installed at the trail head near the kiosk. On the north side of the creek, the trail has been slashed from the highway down to the bridge location. The bridge is currently under construction and we have a bid for the installation. We are restricted to installing the bridge in August 2018 but should be able to prepare in June and July.

Thanks go to J.H. Huscroft Ltd. for providing not only lumber for all the creek crossings and for the stairs but also to Bruce Jones who oversaw the trail builders in late August and early September and has walked the trail so many times. Dave Jackson of Dave Jackson Construction Ltd built and installed the stairs over a nursery log that we wanted to preserve. Dave, Adam and Bruce lugged heavy lumber to the site. Both the oversight of the trail building team and the building of the stairs involved many trips to the trail site. Many thanks for all this volunteer effort.

Next year we will need some more volunteer effort as there are a couple of trees across the trail which will have to be removed early in the season. Also, the trail has settled so there are some further roots to be taken out. The bridge is coming without any railings or steps which will require knowledgeable people to get involved. Please contact us at info@crestonvalleytrails.ca if you are willing to participate or if you have any questions.

